Forward vs backward digit span interpretation
Forward vs backward digit span interpretation

In the DST, performance is usually worse in the backward version of the task (Baddeley, 1986 Li and Lewandowsky, 1995), while recall of the forward and backward versions of the CST is much the same for most subjects (Wilde and Strauss, 2002 Cornoldi and Mammarella, 2008). In both verbal and visuospatial span tasks, participants may be asked to recall the information in either forward or backward order. Verbal STM is generally tested with the digit span task (DST) that involves recalling sequences of digits, while the ability to retrieve visuospatial information is typically tested with the Corsi span task (CST) that involves recalling sequences of blocks (Berch et al., 1998).


One of the processes involved in serial recall is short-term memory (STM), which allows individuals to hold a small amount of information for a short period of time. However, the cognitive mechanisms underlying encoding and recall of verbal and visuospatial sequences are still not fully understood.

forward vs backward digit span interpretation

The ability to process serially ordered information is fundamental to many aspects of our lives, including spelling and orientation to a new environment. The results of this review will be considered in the light of the current models of WM, and will be used to make recommendations for future studies. The main aim of the present review is to summarize findings on order recall in verbal and visuospatial materials by considering both cognitive and neural correlates. However, worse performance in backward visuospatial recall is evident in individuals with weak visuospatial abilities such individuals perform worse in the backward version of visuospatial tasks than in the forward version. In contrast, when it comes to visuospatial tasks, performance is not always worse for a modified backward sequence. In verbal span tasks, performance is worse when recalling things in backward sequence rather than the original forward sequence. This seems to be due to the different effects of forward and backward recall in verbal and visuospatial tasks. Studies with order recall tasks, such as the digit, and Corsi span, indicate that order of presentation is a crucial element for verbal memory, but not for visuospatial memory.

forward vs backward digit span interpretation

How sequential, verbal and visuospatial stimuli are encoded and stored in memory is not clear in cognitive psychology.

Forward vs backward digit span interpretation